Touching a woman's hair has always been surrounded in controversy (especially in the black community). For many women, their hair is a very personal thing which leads to the issue of touching it being taboo. However, if you plan on traveling this summer, you might want to prepare for a major pat down.The TSA is now singling out women who have curly manes and insisting on doing an inspection of their hair before clearing them through security. Laura Adiele, whose hair was pulled up into a curly ponytail, was harassed by TSA workers recently, and she says the search was unfair. According to Adiele, there were several women in line with their hair pulled into up similar to hers, yet they weren't searched. The difference??? Adiele is black and the women around her were not black. Personally, after watching the video below I don't see why she was singled out. Especially considering the fact that Adiele went through the scanner that allows TSA staff to see advanced images of her entire body prior to them asking to search her hair. If anything was in her hair, it surely would have been seen during her in depth full body scan. With that said, I don't really think it was necessary to search her hair. I understand making sure people are "safe" before granting them access to fly and etc, but something about this rubs me the wrong way. Probably because I have natural hair...I don't know. I guess if I were in her shoes, I would let them search me, but I would feel very violated and offended while they were doing so. How would you feel if TSA asked to search your hair? See the video below for more on this story.
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